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Managing anger before it manages you.

  • 9/21/2022
  • Author: Webmonton
  • Number of views: 6406
Managing anger before it manages you.

Catholic Social Services is holding a six-week in-person group to help children ages 6-8, and their parent/guardian learn how to manage their child's anger and angry behaviors.

Christmas celebrations were a whole lot different for Mu Go and Moo Aua Go.

  • 4 January 2021
  • Author: Webmonton
  • Number of views: 3323
Christmas celebrations were a whole lot different for Mu Go and Moo Aua Go.

Christmas celebrations were a whole lot different in the refugee camp Mu Go and Moo Aua Go lived in for most of their lives. In fact, there was very little cause to celebrate at all. Access to food, health care, and education was scarce, and without these basic necessities, the siblings suffered. Their teenage brother, Sa Nay, was severely physically disabled and could not walk, and had medical needs that went untreated. His only chance was resettlement in another country.

Colby's Story

Even in times of desperation, hope exists.

  • 19 September 2019
  • Author: Webmonton
  • Number of views: 3042
Colby's Story

For Colby and his wife, seeing their daughter’s face as they sang her Happy Birthday for the first time was their hope for a brighter future.

Peter's Story

The Gift of Communication

  • 18 September 2019
  • Author: Webmonton
  • Number of views: 2501
Peter's Story

 Sometimes the trajectory of an entire life can be changed with one simple purchase.

Frank's Story

Moving forward with new friends

  • 18 September 2019
  • Author: Webmonton
  • Number of views: 2250
Frank's Story