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2019 Annual Public Meeting

Catholic Social Services holds APM and rolls out 2018-19 Annual Report

  • 2 October 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 17002
2019 Annual Public Meeting

On September 25, 2019, Catholic Social Services (CSS) hosted its 2019 Annual Public Meeting at the Edmonton Expo Centre to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year and highlight goals and plans for the year to come.

More than 160 of the agency’s partners, funders, and other stakeholders, including CSS Board of Directors, Friends of Sign of Hope and elected officials were in attendance.

Carole Anctil-Michalyshyn, Chairperson of CSS and emcee, began the event by sharing the 3 key goals CSS outlined in its newly implemented five-year strategic plan, Here to Serve, which are to lift people and families in lasting ways, strengthen community relationships, and sustain efforts to serve well.

Following a delicious lunch, Dr. Troy Davies, CEO, led a summary of the past year in review supplemented by his praise and confidence that CSS will continue to strive to serve everyone inclusively. Davies stressed that no one falls outside the arms of CSS’ compassion and that CSS is in the business of providing hope. He highlighted that every year CSS serves nearly 20,000 people across 12 communities, making CSS the largest multi-function social service agency in the province, and one of the largest in the country.









Lastly, the event was closed by keynote speaker, Chief of Edmonton Police Services, Dale McFee, who stressed the importance of partnership instead of collaboration. With a background in policing, community engagement, data and analytics, social finance, and impact investing, Chief McFee brings a refreshed perspective to addressing key social problems in our society and demonstrates the ability to be a problem solver, not just a problem identifier. 

The Annual Public Meeting also marked the roll-out of the Catholic Social Services / Sign of Hope 2018-19 Annual Report, which is available for online viewing here.

Categories: Community, News, Events