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Sign of Hope celebrates generosity of Alberta donors

  • 24 January 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 7030

News Release

Sign of Hope celebrates generosity of Alberta donors
Almost $2.1 million raised for CSS programs, despite challenging economic times

Edmonton, (January 24, 2020) – Sign of Hope, the charitable fundraising arm of Catholic Social Services (CSS), announced that Albertans dug deep in 2019 and donated almost $2.1 million to CSS, through the Sign of Hope campaign, despite economic challenges faced throughout the province.

Gifts for Sign of Hope fully fund up to 20 CSS programs and provide supplemental funding for many others, including shelters for mothers and their children facing domestic abuse as well as friendship and community for the vulnerably housed. Most of CSS’ funding comes from various levels of government.  But donor support through Sign of Hope enables the agency to help individuals who may not otherwise be served.

“From women facing abuse, confronting crisis pregnancy or grappling with addiction, through to providing community for the recently housed, impact of donor dollars goes deep in to the lives of the most vulnerable Albertans.” observed Dr. Troy Davies, CEO of Catholic Social Services.

He continued, “We have heard directly from supporters how the economy is impacting on their communities. We have heard how personal financial circumstances are changing. Despite this Albertans are responding to our calls for support on behalf of the most vulnerable.”

Donations from Catholic Social Services staff are also increasing: the number of staff giving through payroll deductions increased by 12%.

“Even though our staff give so much of themselves day-in and day-out, when September comes and our Sign of Hope appeal launches, they are right there, ready to give more,” said Davies. “That’s how much they believe in the work we are doing.”

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Catholic Social Services makes life better for Albertans by lifting people and families in lasting ways. For nearly 60 years, CSS has been providing help to the most vulnerable. This mission has taken the agency into many different fields of service, in many different communities. Today, CSS works in three priority areas, serving individuals with disabilities, children and families, and newcomers to Canada. Each year, more than 20,000 Albertans are lifted and empowered through 90 CSS programs, in 12 communities, across Central Alberta. Sign of Hope is the charitable arm of CSS. Through donor and community support, Sign of Hope is able to sustain CSS` ability to serve.

For additional information, contact:

Laura Ruddock

Manager of Communications

Catholic Social Services
