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CEO's speech from our Fall Celebration

  • 23 September 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 15261


From a new Agency logo to events past and present, CSS CEO Stephen Carattini tackled a couple of topics during his speech at our annual Fall Celebration on Thursday, September 22.

You can view the full speech above, and below are some excerpts:

Discussing our new logo

“The well, like an oasis, is a potent symbol of life as it provides water for our physical well-being. It also provides a place where we encounter one another and we learn how to live in community.  And finally, the well is a place of spiritual healing; a place where forgiveness is practiced and hearts are opened to God’s mercy.”

On the blessings and renaming of our group homes

“Names are important; names provide dignity. They draw us into a personal relationship and by invoking a name of a saint in particular it is also a constant prayer for that saint’s intercession and protection.

“Whether it is Saint Maria Goretti Home, Saint Dominic Savio Home, Drexel Place, Veronica Villa, or Saint Jude House, there is an understanding that something sacred should be, and is happening within the walls of these homes.

On Uplift: Day of Mercy

“I want to conclude my remarks by inviting all of you to a very special event that will take place on Saturday, October 1 at St. Alphonsus Parish and Eastwood Community League. We are calling it Uplift: Day of Mercy. At this event, which will be open to anyone in need, we, along with our partners… will provide a hot meal, hair cuts, individual and family portraits, bicycle repairs, coats, baby clothes and supplies and other services, all free of charge.”
