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22 Days of Hope: Day 8

Community Engagement in Red Deer

  • 12 October 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 5744
22 Days of Hope: Day 8

Our Agency works meticulously at connecting with members across the central Alberta region, in which we are blessed to be a part of. The integration and involvement of our Agency in local communities like Red Deer helps us provide more opportunities for compassionate care to those who need additional assistance. Doing so creates a special bond with other community members. Through the Fall Sign of Hope appeal, our Community Engagement ministry in Red Deer is able to continue this ongoing relationship with the community.

Community Engagement in Red Deer has been blessed with many successes since beginning less than two years ago. We have strengthened our ties with Catholic partners in the parishes, schools, and health care sector through prayer, mutual support, and shared social justice activities.

A recent highlight was working on our Big Thank You! event with the Edmonton Community Engagement team. Our event at Bower Ponds at the end of August thanked more than 800 guests for the support Red Deer has shown us over the past 50 years.

Within the local office, we have grown in our Catholic identity through liturgies that have brought more and more of us together each time we gather in worship. All of these blessings show us the workings of the Holy Spirit and have renewed our passion to serve with humility, compassion, and respect.

Categories: News, 22 Days of Hope