Catholic Social Services EventsEvents

Journeying with Grief

An 8-week grief information and support group.

Event date: 9/30/2017 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Export event

Title: Journeying with Grief

One Sentence: Journeying with Grief, an eight week grief information and support group.

Description:  The journey in grief can be chaotic and lonely; in this group you will have the opportunity to journey through your grief with others who have experienced the death of someone in their lives.  You will have opportunity to share about your loss in a safe environment, explore practical grief related resources for managing grief emotions and for handling daily life tasks that may have changed after a death.  This is a closed group, not a drop-in group.  Some people might qualify for a fee subsidy. Register early as spaces are limited.

Dates:  Saturdays, September 9 to November 4 (eight weeks with one week off for Thanksgiving)

Time:  10-11:30 am at Mercy Counselling

Cost:  $60 each session

Call Mercy Counselling at 780-391-3233 to register.

Categories: Events